Our New PolyU Green Garden

The vegetable in PolyU Green Marketplace garden are planting in our campus gardens, which started in 2014, is part of a burgeoning trend over the past half of decade in which college students across the country volunteer their time to get back to the land – or to forge a connection to the land for the first time.

There was only a smattering of such gardens in the 90s, but around 2012 the idea took off around the campus , said Prof. CHU Wei , Programme Leader in Environmental Management and Engineering , who co-authored a 2012 study on university food gardens.

The reasons range from the personal to the global.

“Students have, in recent years, become more interested in campus gardens because it’s something within their control,” Prof. CHU said. “Students feel there are pressing global environmental problems and climate change is happening now, and they don’t know what they can do about it. Campus gardens provide an outlet for their broader environmental concern. It’s an individual action that they can take to help the environment and make a statement.”

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